Assist. Assoc. Dr. Savaş GÜNGÖR
Assist. Assoc. Dr. Savaş GÜNGÖR
Head of Visual Communication Program
Head of Computer Aided Design and Animation Program
İlgili Haberler

Savaş Güngör was born in Nicosia, Cyprus. He graduated from the Near East University (NEU) Faculty of Communication Visual Communication Design department in 2014 with the first place. Between 2015-2020, she worked as a research assistant at the Visual Communication Design Department of NEU Faculty of Communication.

He completed the Master's program in the Department of Fine Arts and Design at NEU in 2017, and the PhD program in the Department of Media and Communication Studies in 2020.

Güngör, who participated in many national exhibitions, received a European Union Achievement Scholarship in 2020, studied academic research and English language at English in Cyprus and Bayswater College for three months.

As of 2020, Güngör continues to work as a lecturer in the Visual Communication Design Department of NEU Faculty of Communication and is the Head of Computer Aided Design and Animation Programme.